Sunday, March 29, 2009

On the road again...

From back in September we have to fast forward now to almost the first of April. We are looking again to make the long, dusty mountain trip over Rte. 162 and FH 7 between the Sacramento Valley and the coastal highway 101 via a sleepy little mountain valley town called Covelo. There is still some snow up on the higher mountains, where the pavement ends and the road turns to the Forest Highway #7 (FH7), so we still have a few weeks before we can cross. But we are getting mentally geared up for the trip, and have even put new shoes and brakes on our faithful Ford Bronco, "Herman". The last trip was made in our small Ford Ranger, and while it handled the roads and climbs well, we also managed to pick up several pounds of fine dust that filtered in between the little cracks and crannies of the small truck. The Ranger is an '88, so it isn't quite as tight as it used to be. Of course our Bronco is only a '90, so I may have to carry a little shovel along with us this time too.

Sue and I like to venture out here and there, it lets us see little parts of the world we haven't seen (or seen for a while), plus it is a way I use to stimulate my thinking about how things could be made a little better here and there. That is really what I do, look for ways to make a better world for people. Much of it we look to do through some new technology we have been working on for many years, with of course some of that change also having to come from making changes that can help people make their own changes in the process. We call the whole process a "Better Way".

We have written quite a few articles on our Better Way process and some of what we believe is needed to make it work. In addition, we have been developing a technology that we call "Light Magnetics Technology", generally referred to as 'LMT'. Like the Better Way process itself, LMT is different, often so different that it will likely strain credibility for the reader. Well, in this case different is just different, and by no means is that a bad thing. We are thinking about possibly posting some of our BW and LMT articles to our blog here, but I haven't really worked that all out yet. We will more likely start by just noting a few points while we talk about some of the peripheral things that are related in some way or another with both the Better Way and LMT. You see, we don't really take trips just to vacation. For us they are working trips where we can see more of what there is to work with and possible things that can be done with that. In short it is a learning process. We go, we see and we try to listen very quietly and intently to whatever God might want to tell us about what we are seeing along the way. That is because both the Better Way and the technology, LMT, are really God's handiwork that we are simply trying to get done as we learn it from Him. Maybe below it would be suitable to have a little picture of a cat emerging from a little bag, but I don't have such a drawing at the moment. Still, you might get the point of what it would be saying..

One point that we would like to make has to do with the matter of my age. As of this writing I am 69 years old. In June I will turn that over to 70. Now that may seem like a bit long in the tooth to be embarking on a project that isn't likely to get done in a few short years. That is of course if we really are serious about actually trying to make a better world for people through our Better Way and LMT. Well, we are serious and have been since we began this effort. The fact is, we have been actively working on this since 1975, so it isn't really new at all, nor was I so old when I began. But one of the many salient points of all this is that among a lot of things associated with a Better Way is the prospect of continued living. That is, by processes one can learn, we believe it is possible to learn, develop, and continue living while you further develop to the point where you are able to regenerate. If you follow that, good. But don't make the mistake of calling it 'immortality', for it is none of that at all. For one thing, being created by God, people are immortal anyway. It is just that problems of aging, deteriorating and of course dying, serve to gum up the works. Part of a Better Way is learning how to fix those problems before they fix you. Accordingly, as you might by now suspect, we pretty well expect to plug along while we improve too. Not just me, but at some point, we expect increasing numbers of people to have the same working for them. Not only should people eventually be able to stop their aging process, they should also be able to in due course reverse it and set in an increasing degree of regeneration that will reflect their own continued development in the creative process. For the most part, that is the main problem people in this world have, they have interrupted their own creative process development. The Better Way process helps people get back on track and in so doing, get back into their own creative process. We think it is something not only worth thinking about, but doing something about as well..
More to come next time..

Here are a few pictures...

Above we take the Bronco and trailer out for
a little shakedown run.

Middle picture is Sue with our trusty Ranger.

Sue at the Wilderness camp along FH 7.

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